Week four arrived, and the competition is hotting up! Some of our participants find themselves a month into Biggest Loser, looking down and seeing an overall gain, whilst others have reached in excess of 3/4/5% weight loss…
As week five approaches, the motivational quote on the top of our leaderboard changes from, ‘put the biscuit down’, to ‘that’s the stuff, keep it up!’ We are getting deep into the process, without anyone choosing to give up so far.
With a trip to London, and endless work-based temptations, it was the turn of Tom from the Marketing team to put pen to paper on the blog… Here’s how his week turned out:
So, I get a lot of people telling me that I don’t need to lose weight, and that it’s stupid me taking part in this ‘Biggest Loser’ competition as I don’t have enough to lose to win it… but for me it’s not necessarily about winning (although I am very competitive).

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Quvu header image motivation

According to a report by Red Letter Days, 82% of employees who felt motivated at work in 2015, had received some form of reward or recognition for a job well done! As former U.S President, Dwight Eisenhower once said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.”
Now don’t get us wrong, it’s all good and well for Mr Eisenhower to say that, but with all due respect, we doubt that President Eisenhower ever spent time among the hustle and bustle of a busy contact centre.
Motivation can go a long way in helping your centre reach its targets; applied ineffectively could see numbers plummet, both financially and operationally, as employees may look to go and work somewhere they can feel motivated and appreciated.

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Weigh-in day once again has come and gone, and with it some weight losses have come, and some gains have gone!
Our Week 3 blogger, newly appointed Commercial Director, Laura Marriner, is our resident Great North Run enthusiast, who will be running alongside Managing Director, Janni Thornton in September, in support of the Tiny Lives Trust!
Take it away Laura:
So, I truly believe I was given a very unfortunate week to blog and be successful in weight loss being given a Bank Holiday to contend with!

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For the fourth consecutive year, Soho66 has proudly been shortlisted for an industry award.
For the third straight year we have been shortlisted in the ‘Best VoIP’ category of the Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA UK) awards, where we hope to regain our crown having won this award in 2014.
ISPA awards sign

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Slimming Apple

Weigh-in day arrived, and with it some happy and sad faces for our Biggest Loser participants!
With some showing substantial losses, and some unfortunately gaining (after a work Pizza day on Thursday), it was mixed emotions here at Pebbletree HQ… However, one of those in the happier camp was our Week 2 blogger, Developer, Daryl Burns!

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Welcome to Pebbletree’s Biggest Loser, a positive challenge in which some members of the Pebbletree team have decided to get together and try and shed some of those Winter pounds, as the Summer months draw ever closer.
With weekly weigh-ins, the participants will be hoping to gain some early momentum to build their confidence, and sustain this towards the end of the challenge in late July, at which point we will crown our champion!

Biggest Loser team
Just some of our determined participants!

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Jen Details

One of the newest members of the family, Jen has quickly become part of the furniture here at Pebbletree, settling nicely into her role as Office Manager.

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We all like to know a bit more about the companies we do business with. This is what the purpose of our email newsletters to you are; to demonstrate our openness and transparency and let you know a bit about what has been going on behind the scenes.

So without further ado let’s forget the small talk and get straight into it!

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British Flag

State of Play
On June 23rd 2016, millions of people up and down Britain will take to polling stations and register their vote, for or against a Brexit.
It is a topic that has divided not only a nation, but the political parties tasked to run our country; the Conservatives stands at an impasse, with the two biggest names within the party, PM David Cameron, and Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, voting In and Out respectively. Whilst the Labour party stands relatively united, with only seven out of 222 MPs declaring that they support the ‘Leave’ campaign, four Democratic Unionist Party MPs have also pushed for a Brexit, along with sole UKIP MP, Douglas Carswell.

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Cruising to Victory!

By ptadmin about 3127 day(s) ago

Back in August 2015, we launched a competition, giving people the chance to win a luxury cruise for 2 to Spain and the Canary Islands, as part of our 10-year anniversary celebrations.
This competition closed on New Years Eve, with the hard work starting for us, upon our return to the office after the festive season. There was maths, physics and photography involved, as we searched through the thousands of entries, looking for that lucky person who had correctly guessed, who come closest to, the Wisdom of the Crowds value we had calculated.
Well after all the calculations, all the searching and verifying had taken place, we found our winner, and in the videos below, you can not only discover who our lucky winners were, but also see our unfortunate bloopers reel from the day we opened the telephone box, and check out our video interview with our winners!

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