
By ptadmin about 3985 day(s) ago

Soho66 is a cloud-based telecommunications provider, specialises in providing highly adaptable and affordable VoIP solutions to businesses and organisations of all sizes.
Soho66 won ‘Best VoIP’ award at 2014 ISPA Awards. The judging criteria for the ‘Best VoIP’ category included: variety and scope of packages, time from order to delivery, support and customer care, number options, contract options, free access to other VoIP networks and value added services.
Winning ‘Best VoIP’ at the ISPAs was not the first time in 2014 Soho66 was recognised at a national awards event. Earlier that year, Soho66 was “Highly Commended” at the ITSPA Awards for ‘Best VoIP Innovation’ and ‘Best Business ITSP (Small Enterprise)’. Soho66 then followed up its 2014 success by being named the ‘Best Business ITSP (Medium Enterprise)’ at the 2015 ITSPA awards, and being shortlisted to defend its 2014 Best VoIP title at the ISPA awards.

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