The Land Before VoIP - July Edition

By ptadmin about 3511 day(s) ago

Welcome to The Land Before VoIP. Our celebration of 10 years of Pebbletree Ltd, a decade of offering customers the very best in cloud-based technology and telecommunications.
We are proud of what we have built across the past 10 years, our business has continued to grow, whilst both our customers and ourselves have thrived thanks to our innovative, cost-effective solutions on offer. Here in 2015, we continue to plan for the future, and we continue to build and diversify, but for now, we want to this opportunity to look back in time, a decade in time to be exact, back to The Land Before VoIP.
July 2005 saw many exciting things happen, Pebbletree was a mere 3 months away from inception, and the British Summer was well under way. Click on the image below where you can read all about what happened 10 years ago this month.Land Before VoIP - July Newspaper Clipping PT BLOG
Don’t forget to enter our competition via our Social Media pages. Keep your eyes peeled for news about how you can win a holiday, and help us celebrate our 10th year providing businesses with the very best in communication technology.
Be sure to follow our Social Media accounts, and share with all your friends to let them indulge in a short, sweet blast from the past. Look out on Social Media each month for the newest editions of The Land Before VoIP, and take yourself on a nostalgic journey to the life you lived 10 years ago!

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