Pebbletree Vlog - Linux is dead...?

By ptadmin about 3537 day(s) ago

Welcome to our first official Pebbletree vlog!
This is an exciting time for the team here, and we are stoked to finally share with you, what was a hilarious experiment to undertake… For most of us anyway!
You see, back in May, our Head of Commercial, Vicky (, made the outrageous statement, or should I say, repeated the outrageous statement, that somehow Linux was dying a death… Not only was it a bad move uttering such words within a technology company, but it was even an even worse move to do so in the presence of MD, Robert, master of all things technological and scientific.
Queue an email chain as long as your arm, back and forth, discussing just how much of an impact Linux has on your day to day life. Although never daft enough to say such things, it was an eye opener for a lot of people, as they became aware of just how much we have come to rely on the wonder that is Linux. We quickly formulated a plan to prove this point, concocting ideas of videos, running commentaries, with American sports-style voice overs and over the top graphics… but we settled on a quick, simple, fun vlog, with Tom and Mat as our hosts.
For this to work, we asked Vicky to go about her normal day to day routine at work, following her journey to and from the office to add to the content. We then asked her to wear a GoPro camera, so that we could monitor her activity, and highlight just how often she was using Linux systems, often without even knowing she was doing so!
Below is the result of this fun experiment. If you have any questions about Linux, or ideas for future vlogs or experiments, feel free to leave us a comment below, and one of our team will get back to you! Enjoy the video and feel free to share with your friends…

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