Adam's New Hair

New hair for Adam...

By ptadmin about 3748 day(s) ago

Vote Results

Adam - as he is currently with his long hair
Adam with his long locks

Adam, one of our brilliant developers, was nominated at our Christmas party to have his lovely long locks cut off and have his hair donated to charity. He reluctantly agreed and now we are holding him to it!
However, we need your help… we cannot decide what style we should give him? The fate of his hair now lies in your hands!
Adam’s girlfriend has given the go-ahead, and approved any one of the four celebrity hairstyles selected to suit Adam’s style and provide the all important 7 inches of cut hair needed to donate it to The Little Princess Trust. The charity has an arrangement in place with a supplier to make wigs out of donated hair. These wigs are then provided, free of charge, to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland who have lost their hair as a result of cancer treatment. You can also help by donating to the charity on there Just Giving page
Scissor Hands of Sunderland have very kindly offered to cut Adam’s hair for free as a donation to the charity – they can be contacted on 07516 996750 and you can view there Facebook and Yell pages by clicking the links.
So is it going to be Owen Wilson’s mid-length flowing bob, Johnny Depp’s bed hair, Daryl Dixon’s mod cut or Dave Grohl’s layered bob? It’s up to you… so cast your vote – and on the 18th December Adam’s hair will go under the scissors for its new look.

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