We have finally moved office!

By ptadmin about 3784 day(s) ago

After some minor delays and the small issue of relocating desks, computers, filing cabinets and the contents of a kitchen, we’re finally settled in our new office!
Because we’ve remained in the same business centre, it wasn’t a case of find a removal company and they would do all the legwork for us when it came to the possessions we were keeping.
Everybody chipped in with the most able bodied responsible for the biggest and heaviest objects, resulting in a handful of the males from the team carrying out their day jobs whilst simultaneously being removal men.

But if you weren’t helping move furniture you were likely helping in other areas that needed doing, from arranging desks to putting up blinds or even cleaning the new glass partitions – a true team effort.

Firstly it was all about the heavy work. This comprised of loading trolleys with furniture we had to take downstairs to where our new office is located, and you definitely drew the short straw if you got the duty of pulling the trolley by its rope from the front. Fortunately we had use of a lift, otherwise this particular task could have proved somewhat tricky.

Because we’d suffered from one or two delays prior to being able to move there was no time to lose, so while the furniture removal was ongoing, other members from the team helped by carrying out other jobs. Those included propping up new blinds we ordered and cleaning the glass wall partitions we had installed, in preparation of having our logo branding fixed across them.

However, with the hard work and team spirit the Pebbletree team demonstrate day in and day out, it wasn’t long before things started to take shape. Because we’re always so busy on the phones, whether it be our receptionists working for the Simply66 brand taking your customers’ calls, or our technical support team helping you with your enquiries, we had to move the teams in planned sequences in order to make sure we weren’t exposing ourselves by taking too many people off the phones at once. Luckily, everything ran like clockwork and it wasn’t long until the new office began filling up.

Therefore it’s out with the old and in with the new, as Pebbletree Ltd begins a new and exciting chapter in its growth and expansion – so feel free to join us on our journey and learn more about the fantastic ways in which we’re empowering businesses across the nation!

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