Since we started the theme days some time ago now they have brought a slice from all around the world to Pebbletree, from Hawaii and Mexico, to Italy and Hogwarts – with a bit of the 80s and even Alice in Wonderland thrown in for good measure.
The themes chosen weren’t always to everyone’s tastes, but they changed what would otherwise be an ordinary working day into a day that was guaranteed to produce a few giggles and in some cases take people out their comfort zone.
But forget every theme day we’ve had; the focus here is strictly on those from 2016 with the aim of finding out which theme was the most popular among the Pebbletree workforce.
Here is a reminder of what the themes of 2016 were for those who may forgotten…
The first theme day of the year was “Welcome to the 80s”, providing a blast from the past for those of us around to experience the colour and the bad hair that particular decade produced.
Leather jackets, neon tutu’s and double-denim were the order of the day, complemented with a large buffet complete with an impressive Pac-Man and Rubik’s Cube cake.
Whilst sounds of the 80s filled the air, Rubik’s Cube, Pac-Man and guitar hero challenges provided the day’s competitive edge.
The summer theme party is perhaps remembered for being the day immediately after the EU referendum vote, which certainly provided a topic of conversation for the day.
But at Pebbletree our minds were temporarily taken off politics as we were all whisked off to the magical wonderland that was the Mad Hatter’s tea party, providing undoubtedly the maddest fancy dress costumes of any other theme day in 2016.
Another buffet ensured there was plenty to snack on throughout the day, while prizes were handed out for the best dressed and winners of the ‘Pin the Tail on the Cheshire Cat’ and ‘Flamingo Croquet’.
In September Little Italy paid a visit to Pebbletree HQ with ‘Squadra Italia’ bringing sounds and tastes of the “Old Country” to the office.
Green, white and red flags draped from the ceiling provided the colour, while music you’d hear playing softly in the background in any Italian restaurant gently reverberated around.
A certain well known pizza restaurant chain provided the day’s food with ‘Italiano’ pizzas being the pick of the bunch – minus a slight mishap in the form of being a pizza short, that is – with Super Mario being the pick of the games.
Last but not least came just as everybody was getting into the Christmas spirit in early December, with a ‘Gangsters Paradise’ rounding off a year of interesting themes in 2016.
While the office was understandably not quite as authentic as a Boardwalk Empire set given the contrast in budget, the games laid on by the team were pretty inventive and made for a fun day.
The pick of the games, on top of a gangster themed quiz and roulette table, was a shooting gallery where the aim of the game was to shoot the pictures of infamous gangsters attached to bottles with a Tommy nerf gun in order to earn points.